weird words

interviews with archived contributors

Before launching our new format of weekly fiction and poetry posts, we’re delving into the archives to ask some of our previous contributors a few questions about the piece they published with us, how they’ve changed as a writer since then, and what inspires them.

We enjoyed revisiting these archived pieces and hope you do, too.

the stack of weird words

weird words with Anton Rose

weird words with Ani King

weird words with Sarah Glady

weird words with Michele Finn Johnson

weird words with Ashley Hutson

weird words with Ryu Ando

weird words with Kathryn H. Ross 

weird words with Gen Del Raye

weird words with S. Kay

weird words with Georgene Goodin Smith

weird words with Marie Conlan

weird words with Natasha Burge

weird words with Chloe N. Clark

Logo by: Robert James Russell